
Breakfast Cups Hashbrown Style

A variation on the Tasty Breakfast Cups, this one uses hash browns instead of bread.

greased muffin tin
1 bag of frozen shredded hash browns
salt/pepper to taste
2 T olive oil
shredded cheddar
cooked bacon

Preheat oven to 425F.
Cook hash browns in skillet (or however) until they are browned/almost cooked. Remove from heat.
Mix salt, pepper, olive oil, and 1/2 c shredded cheese in with the hash browns.
Divide hash brown mixture into each muffin tin.
Bake in oven (if necessary) until hash browns are desired brown-ness.
Remove from oven, crack an egg into each tin, breaking up the yolk.
Top each with bacon and shredded cheese.
Return to oven for about 15 min or until eggs are set as desired.

When I first made these I didn't pre-cook the hash browns, and they ended up not being very browned after I baked everything.  Def pre-cook or bake them until they look done.
I also didn't have my muffin tin at the time, so I "made" tins out of foil. Yeah that didn't work so great, I put the leftovers in the freezer and the foil peeled off pretty easily when I went to re-heat them. LoL.

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